$380.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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Just want one coaching session with Reese to create a strategy for social media, projects, etc? Book a one on one call!



InkSpired Academy Spring 2023

InkSpired Academy is a 10 week course following my strategy of Mindset (Confidence building and online authenticity), Clarity (Being clear with who you are, your style, and your intention), Attraction & Conversion (how to create content that attracts and converts soul followers into soulmate clients), and Automation (email marketing & client lists, and basically giving you back more of your time). 


In the course you get 6 in depth modules that will teach you concepts like finding confidence and your brand, taking photos, video content, content planning & strategy, and tons of bonus materials.  50+ videos, templates, and worksheets to keep you on task and organized, no matter how you learn! Private Facebook group with other intentional tattoo artists, and 8 zoom group coaching session& q&As.


** all sales are final **