$699.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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The Worthy Wealthy Creative Retreat

Join me for 3 days in San Diego, CA for the Worthy Wealthy Holistic Business Retreat! 

June 10-13,2024

* women's retreat *

To run a holistic business means that you are focused on the business as a whole. And that includes you.

Not only are we going to take care of you by providing an all inclusive experience, from much needed physical, mental, spiritual R&R - BUT also providing a unique & personalized business blueprint.

Are you ready to experience what it’s like to make quantum leaps in your business as a tattoo artist, healer, and spiritual entrepreneur by creating a well rounded, magnetic brand that reflects you as a multi-passionate creative.

 3 days of business uplevelment,  much needed creative relaxation, and doing it all in the power sisterhood.