From Starving Artist Mentality to CEO Mindset


  • I gave you the EXACT Step by Step “Booked Out” Strategy that has generated over $200K for my students Learn the 6-Figure Marketing Game Plan that gets your schedule filled MONTHS in advanced with SoulMate Clients.

  • Your Instagram Profile Becomes so F*ckin’ MAGNETIC. You know exactly how to craft a page filled with intrigue, authority, & invitation. You easily transform curious strangers into soul mate clients.

  • You ALWAYS have plan for each Instagram Post. No longer wondering “is it working?” You know each time you Open Up Your Books will be more successful than the last

  •  You run your business like a CEO 
    No More Starving Artist- living Dollar to Dollar, Short Term Thinking.  This is about the Long Game, Big Business, Big Money Mindset. Create long term strategies to build sustainable and scalable growth in your tattoo business. 

Get Booked Out Today!

What if you got banned from Instagram?

That’s exactly what happened to me.

I didn’t know if I had lost everything (they don’t tell you for how long you get banned for)

When I couldn’t get in for a few days, I assumed that I would have to start all over. 177K following over the last 15 years. Gone. Now you may think that it would have defeated me. 


 Then I remembered:

#1 I run my tattoo business like a CEO, not a tattoo artist. So I have taken the time to build the systems, strategies, and structures in my business that will support me through slow season, recessions, even an IG banning.

#2 I know how to build a Stand Out Brand, one that sets me apart from other tattoo artist, so I could start again on ANY social media platform.  

 #3 I have made my spiritual & mental health and vitality a priority, so nothing is happening to me, its always happening FOR me.

 #4. I know that IG is used to 2 things: To collapse time around getting to know you to build trust with an audience through strategic content, and the second thing…. As a Funnel.

 Social media is just a funnel to move people off the platform and into mailing lists.

And this is why I created Booked Out… So if shit were to hit the fan, you’ve got all the  practical  tools & strategies to see yourself through ANYTHING in business… and these skillsets are what is going to blow your Tattoo Business The Fuck Up.


For the Artist who wants to be Booked out Weeks, even Months, in advanced with ease.

 Without a Big Following

Throughout our 5 weeks together,  we will deep dive into The Launch Matrix...

Module 1: Discovery. 

Going from Tattoo Artist to Spiritual Entrepreneur: a tattoo artist treats their IG like a portfolio, where an entrepreneur treats their IG like a business. We will break the patterns of playing small, unveil your magnetism and create your ideal client, and create content that allows people to see the REAL you.


Module 2: Quantum Wealth

Your Energy with ALWAYS informs everything you do in business. It will always formulate your strategies. Focusing on your healing journey, this will be the most magnetic part about you. It’s what creates Die Hard Community.


Module 3: Journey Experience:

The client journey start the moment someone finds you online to walking your client out the door with a fresh tattoo. Break down exactly what a magnetic profile looks like, through an IG Audit. Building the RIGHT systems to set you up for long term growth and expansion in your business.


Module 4: The Pathways:

Creating the invitation through the concept of "Launching" to getting on your books. The 3 phases of your Booked Out Strategy.

  •  Flirt Phase: Creating the “Safe Haven” effect, building the “Trifecta of Trust,” telling Artistic Stories (verbal & visual,), and using the Transformation Effect in your content
  •  Hype Phase: Getting people excited to get work done by you. Which means planting the seeds, creating the “Slow Drip” content.
  • Party Phase: Books are open. Staying in the energy, Offering the “Gimme Gimmes” content that creates healthy urgency to get people to say YES now.

Module 5: Emotionally RICH:

Shit always hits the fan in business. Learn how to walk through hard things with EASE. First of all - You can only attract what you are available for. Let’s open you up to calibrating around Big Money, Big Impact, Big Business.

Join Booked Out!

What to expect?

  • 5 weeks together of LIVE video trainings (recorded for you to access again & again!)

  • Training Workbooks to help integrate and further embody each lesson

  • Quantum Wealth Meditations: Ever wondered what beliefs have been stopping you from tapping into your abundance? A neuro-somatic meditation to unearth and heal so you can call in the wealth you desire. 

  • 1 Year Access to the Program for you to revisit and reconnect to your branding energetics

  • 7 days FREE in the ARC Community to get Massive Support & Accountability 

5 Days of Live-Online ZOOM Classes


Friday, February 23rd, 2024 at 9AM - 11AM Pacific 

Friday, March 1st, 2024 at 7:30AM - 9:30AM Pacific

Friday, March 8th, 2024 at 7:30AM - 9:30AM Pacific 

Friday, March 15th at 9AM - 11AM Pacific 

Friday, March 22nd at 7:30AM- 9:30AM Pacific

Join Today!
Join Booked Out 2.0 Today!
Join Booked Out 2.0 Today!
Join Booked Out 2.0 Today!

Divi @divinatattoos

Booked Out Alumn

I joined this program last year and was able to not only implement a ton of organizational tools and strategies into my business, I was taken on a journey deep inside to locate and access the places where I was holding myself back from living in the value that I choose, that I want to aspire to, that I want to grow from, that I want to offer my clients.

This total reset resulted in more clarity, healthier boundaries, raising my rates, and being able to stay booked consistently. And with this higher alignment, I feel so much more freedom in my life to focus on doing what I love. I feel so much more confident and supported in doing so. Best of all, I get to keep creating from a higher vibration that magnetizes my dream clients to keep coming.

Join Booked Out 2.0 Today!

Lydia Escobar 

Booked Out Alumn

"Wanted to share a * tiny win *+ here and just attract more positive energy and abundance by celebrating the wins

I took the Booked Out course in February and implemented it at the end of February The results were underwhelming BUT I told myself to stick it out, I'm learning this new thing and so are my clients.

Now I'm looking at numbers for opening books this weekend for June booking and guess what?! It's working! & And I WAS RIGHT! I'M NOT WORKING AS MUCH because I don't have to answer emails and messages about booking throughout the month, I also ended up inadvertently taking an extra few days off!"

Booked Out Alumn

"I fucking love you. Class today was already so potent babe, and it's hilarious how clear & quickly my initiation is unfolding already. 

I could feel energetically purging arising in me in the back half of class, and right after I ran in the forest and saw exactly what blocks I've had from living up my intentions and washed my energy field clean n clear in the freezing cold lake!

Like laughable - you know when those realizations come in ceremony and you're just kinda giggling at the wonder of it all??!!

Spectacular superstar soulmate mentor and soul activator that you are! Thank you for the upgrade!"

Meet Your Mentor!

Hi, I am Reese, Tattoo Artist, Tattoo Shop Owner, and Spiritual Biz Mentor, & Meditation Queen. My work focuses on helping heart-led intentional tattooers heal their wounds, shadows and traumas, while simultaneously growing and scaling their tattoo business on Social Media.

I believe that by shining the light on the parts of ourselves that we reject & bring acceptance, love, & forgiveness to those parts, we clear energetic and mental pressure around our worth & capabilities. Allowing artists to wield their personal authentic power, communicate and express from the heart, and come into full possession of their souls purpose on this planet to bring in the Wealth, Impact, Community, and Freedom they desire in their Tattoo Business and Life. 

Having a degree in business marketing, and a background in integrative trauma practice, tattooing, and being just an all around serial entrepreneur; my businesses have generated multiple millions of dollars in the last 13 years. 

I’ve cracked the codes to Consistent multiple 6-figure+ years with just tattooing 3 days a week, & 2X my income since becoming a business coach in 2020. 

My Mission is to provide a holistic AND action oriented approach to re-awakening the soul and bringing in the type of Wealth & overall Unique Success you want in your tattoo business.Â