GUEST SPOT | Nicole DeRoy

SEPTEMBER 18-22nd 2023


We are so excited to have Nicole joining us at The Edge Ink for September.


Nicole was born and raised in Massachusetts, and creative from a young age. She went to college in Rhode Island and studied Biology and Art while also playing folk-rock in the local music scene. She relocated to Los Angeles, CA in 2012 to study at Musician's Institute before relocating back to the east coast, where she ultimately found tattooing. Nicole loves getting out in nature, hiking, biking and kayaking. She loves enjoying live music, good food and good conversation. Nicole loves traditional style tattooing with a twist! She uses traditional tattooing techniques and style elements to bring unique and customized visions to life. She is certified in Usui Reiki level 2 and brings heart led energy and intentionality into every design. She is currently learning Galactic Shamanism under mentorship from her own personal Shaman in Sedona, AZ, and is excited to be able to offer Shamanic and ceremonial tattooing services catered towards healing. Nicole loves tattooing everything from beautiful to "tough" and everything in between. She loves tattooing lady heads, tarot cards, spiritual and witchy imagery, plants and florals, insects and critters, halloween themed pieces, nostalgia-related items and animals and pet portraits.


Hourly Rate - $180 / hour cash or $185 / hour venmo / paypal / credit or debit 

The best way to book with Nicole is to email or click the link below to submit an inquiry.


Email:  [email protected] 




1.         A detailed description of what you’re looking to get tattooed

2.         Where on the body you’d like tattooed and clear photos of the area.

a.         Photos of the area on your body help Nicole to create the design to specifically fit you(:

3.         Any reference photos for inspiration for what you’d like tattooed

a.         This is extremely helpful with giving Nicole a jumping point to be inspired by when creating your custom piece(:



We thank you so much again for your interest in Nicole's work! Looking forward to hearing back from you soon!